Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jagged and Ragged

I can't believe it has been more than six months since I've written.  A sure sign that life well is seriously askew.  Work from the point of last June only got more intense.   As a result, for those that know me won't be a surprise, but I ran myself into the ground.   The new year came with all the hopes attached.  Mostly I was just glad to put the old project on the shelf of the past and work on something anything else would bound to be easier.   Famous last words.  So after multiple servings of humble pie, and apropos appetizers to a true crash course in survival I can honestly say this project I am now on at work is by far the hardest.   It is eating me alive.  I'm still run down, and often feel very jagged and ragged.   My heart still hasn't recovered from some of last year's blows and so I'm bruised and battered least emotionally.   However, I don't want to necessarily leave an entire blog of complaints so let me just say that one of the greatest joys in my life currently are my Shiba Inus.

I've seriously thought about blogging about that dream coming true and how they have made me laugh and yes scream since they came into my life.  However, I've yet to find the time, or if I have time I have no brain cells left.   :)  They deserve a little coherency.   So hopefully I will be able to write...I miss writing...

Anyway, after running a fever all week, and a business trip coming up next week I don't have a lot of energy tonight but I couldn't ignore the blood in me that demands I write...something...or perish.

And to tide you all over until I can write more about my puppies here's a picture from their first moments in my home.  We have siblings (twins) :) ....  The boy is Rolo.  The girl is Julie.