New Year's Eve....
The closing of 2013 and moving forward into 2014 and all that waits ahead. As I sit here with some music in the background, and the candle light flickering that I find myself resuming an old tradition of mine. I'm not sure where or why I let it fall by the wayside, but my little new year's celebration is like greeting an old friend.
My favorite way to spend the evening on the cusp on a new year is to sit at home and reflect on the year that is passing away and reflect on what I anticipate from the coming year. So many things about this year were unanticipated, so many surprises, so many challenges/tribulations, and yes so many blessings....there is a lot to be grateful for. And each time I've done this I am constantly amazed at how fast time flies. And sometimes the reflections take me beyond the year just coming to an end to the ones that stack up behind it. :) And sometimes I remember dreams of old that have come true and stand amazed. And this gives me such hope for the year ahead and I wonder about the many surprises ahead....
In years past I have often felt a "theme" for the year ahead being revealed to me during these moments of reflection...and usually they have proven true (or at least for me)...I have a list of previous themes written down...and some of them make me laugh as I remember them and then of course the outcomes. I don't subscribe to the idea of "self fulfilling prophecy", not at all...if that were true then I would self-fulfill myself into much different situations... LOL
However, I am a person of faith. If this is too much a stretch for you the reader, then think of it more as the psychological truth that people see the connections they expect to so my themes could be my brain setting the groundwork or framework to correlate the events to come to a specific theme. But truthfully, I do believe in a living relationship with God, as real as any friend you could call on a cell phone and who listens, guides, directs and cares for me. So I always see these themes that are revealed as just another conversation, and one with the One who knows that I love surprises but I also love to KNOW....LOL...and so I believe He knows that if He told me all of what was to come it would most likely fry my brain so He gives me a nugget, just enough of a sneak peek that I am intrigued to move into the adventures to come rather than running from them.
So as I sat down tonight, a little earlier than usual as I am dragging today with a lingering even though it wasn't the true countdown of midnight I wasn't expecting such a good conversation. But I was strongly drawn to an old favorite verse in the that I have always loved....and so the conversation did begin.
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
And then...the next verse just popped into my head...but I had to look up the reference to get the full context...and a little laugh. :)
Romans 5:1-5
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we also have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God. And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance, and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
....the theme for 2014 is Hope. I strongly feel 2014 will be the year of hope.
And as I read the context of Romans, I had to laugh a little...tribulations, yep been there and done that....was I thankful...not at the time, if I am being honest. Perseverance...well....there are some who would tell you I was born so it is only natural that I persevered but the truth is some of the tribulations have really been tough the point of breaking and perseverance has a new context for me...and not just hinting at the fact that I was born stubborn and have proven consistent to that characteristic. And hope....I'll be honest I've always struggled with that one. What makes hope different than wishful thinking? The Bible in other places talks about hope as if it isn't a question the way wishful thinking is...will I get XYZ in this Christmas present? (And sometimes you do and sometimes you don't). No, the Bible talks about hope as if it something you are assured of gaining, as if hope is more a promise. Then maybe my issue with hope has been that I've been let down by people in the past and it is hard to trust in "hope" because you just never know when someone will come through for you and when they'll leave you standing in the cold. But I guess that is the difference....this is hope, or a promise, from God. And He is trustworthy...and He does not disappoint.
My other challenge is to know the difference between desires (I wants...) and the promises. This is much more difficult because it does mean you have to be listening...and sometimes I'm better at talking at God than talking with God (which means part of the conversation is spent listening.) And so understanding the fine line of 'what I want' and 'what is being promised' is definitely an exercise regime. :) I am reminded of my brother who runs marathons. He doesn't simply wake up the day of the event and go run 26.2 he spends weeks, months in advance preparing himself to complete the marathon, to be ready to run 26.2 miles on the given day. This aspect of hope is like that...preparing for a marathon. It takes time, it takes some sunshiney mornings and some days filled with rain but slogging through anyway for the end goal. And only time will show who did their prep work and who thought they could skip a few's just say I don't feel like a marathon runner physically or spiritually yet, but I am comfortable saying I am most definitely in training.
So I find myself as the minutes expire on 2013 about this idea that 2014 will be the year of hope and have a feeling that some of 2014 will be abundantly amazing and some of it will show to me the differences between wants and promises and so perhaps I will grow stronger...more spiritually fit so to speak...and I find myself anticipating like a child on Christmas eve...the joy of the presents to be unwrapped....the adventure to unfold.
What an amazing gift is life...full of trials and for hope, grace, love, faith, forgiveness, and abundant blessings. :)
For the grand adventures of 2013, many memories to look back on (laugh at, wince at, and be thankful for!)
For the adventures ahead.....Welcome 2014!!!
Happy New Year's!