Pieces Out of Place
a shoe lay in the road today
dead center to the dashed line
my car sailed right over it
keeping me on course,
to work,
my mind collided into
the black worn canvas and white speckledly tattered laces
abandoned in a place
it shouldn't have been, the former occupant
long since gone, shoe forgotten,
yet I am bruised by the impact
still caught up,
intertwined by the displacement
woven close by
another discrepancy looms
like childhood dreams
in an adult life
when fancies should have been
packed up, and relegated to the closet
where the old toys now retire
instead of dead center
on the road of life
now presenting a choice
to roll over it
and continue
or to take it up
make it part of the journey
daring to believe
the capacity exists for one more shoe
distillation in process
a patient excercise of time
questions outside of classrooms
rarely have single answers
valued at the judgements
right or wrong
yet the precedent is set
how do we choose
when the lesson seems
to center on choice itself
when the freedom
within us is simply that itself
daily it is done though
as inconsequetial as driving over a displaced shoe,
only when the need arises
and we become the one limping
do we hunger for the balance
of two shoes on our feet as we walk,
hunger for the protection
of a little rubber and some canvas
against the roads of life
and the length of the journeys
to be traversed
juxtaposition stands before us,
simply another fork in the road,
as it were,
yet sometimes there exists more matter
more depth than that
and I find myself
in pieces,
searching for the other parts
as I journey home
discovering which hues match
the sections of me already in place
and where the occurance of
contrast and light
most strike...
even myself---
discovery and rediscovery revealing
the dichotomy of me
a piece out of place
in a place that is the only peace I've known
but that isn't my sole reality
and I hunger for more
contact with Truth
to be moved more fully
by what seemingly is
a piece out of place...
a shoe in the road
and a choice I must make
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