Sunday, January 25, 2009


Genesis 12:11-16

Abram was 75+ when he convinced his wife, Sarai, to lie and say she was his sister. He declared her too beautiful, he was firmly convinced that men would kill him because of him it was obvious.

Now I know they lived a lot longer then, but somehow today that thought caught me. He was still madly in love with his wife, still captivated by her beauty...and it had to have been built on so much more than her looks by this point; they'd built a life together, had hardships, disappointments, joys, they'd left all they'd known, were headed into the sunset so-to-speak, yet were still young, still so much more than meets the eye...and he was convinced other men, kings even, would kill to have her...that's how he saw her...she was a beautiful woman...

1 comment:

Blondepoetess said...

It just goes to show that men, the good ones, are among the greatest of God's creations. I am a blessed woman, and a very happy girl.