Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cure for vampirism

So if you ever go to the doctor and they run a blood test and it comes back seriously deficient in vitamin D they perscribe some major powerful liquid sunshine to make up for your vampirism. Apparently a lack of vitamin D can do a major job on you.

Let me clue you when you have an energy drain that causes you to result to doctors...and you tend to be anxious in doctors offices and you only hear a fraction of what they say...and you think you hear 'we'll put you on these one a day for a couple weeks and then look at over the counters' pick up your perscription.

But, then, I also tend to hate drugs, minus excedrin migraine, and I'm almost OCD about reading the literature they staple to the bag. And, there are often times when I read the papers and think 'is the way I'm feeling now worth risking some of the side effects...' and sometimes the answer is yes, and sometimes it is no and I leave the medication in the stapled bag. So I remember reading the stuff on vitamin D and I remember the phrase if you OD on it call poison control immediately and thinking ok...well I'm not swallowing the whole bottle so I'm good.

Then I take these powerful liquid sunshine pills everyday. (With food, a snipet that trickles in from the doctor's visit.) And, let me tell you...six days later and my energy comes back kablamo style and I'm feeling giggly, and I'm talking to my best friend. I'm telling her the powerful sunshine drugs are working and awesome and she asks me what the dosage is and I reply 50,000 IUs. Her jaw hits the floor...and keeps going slinky style down the stairs...and after a few sputters and what-nots (all of which are entertaining and fun to someone who is oblivious to you know the realities of drugs/health stuff...i.e. me) she has me read her the bottle.

I discover it's one pill a week, not a day. After a little googling I discover max dose of D typically is 2000 IUs a day. So a little mental math reveals that my real perscription should have been for a little over 7000IUs/day released slowly over a week (so still a case for massively deficient Ds). And, well, I've been dropping 25 times the normal max...and 7 times the perscribed amounts....hmmmm, maybe they should have put more warnings around the poison control center thing...However, neither the paper nor online materials tell you that massive quanities of D produce giggles. It does. So I'm still not worried...perhaps maybe a little concerned but giggles are fun. My friend asks why I didn't read the bottle and is trying to flutter between 'holy *** cows' and 'are you alrights' and ...well lots of reactions (again fun) and asking/telling me that you always read the bottle. To which I reply I did, but only that first night when I was zapped for all stuff, and truthfully I didn't touch the perscription for like 2 days after it was given to me....did I mention I hate drugs...and how I ended up both reading and being instructed on the 'week' vs. my memory of 'day' is beyond me.

Of course all this is discovered after hours and well...I don't really want to rush myself to the ER because I'm giggly. So I'll wait until Monday to talk to the doctor and see what we do from here...

However, all that is to say, if you find yourself dreaming of a caffine IV to get you through the day seriously consider the question (do you get enough sunshine) and perhaps look into supplements. Vitamin D is awesome stuff. Energy, giggles, sunny nature...all good. But don't OD on it, there are apparently some warnings that don't factor in giggles.

So here is my humorous tribute to the fact, I probably shouldn't be left alone...and definitely not put in charge of meds when I can't see straight for vampiric energy depletions. I find all this even more humorous simply because usually I tend to sunburn myself on a good sunny day even with sunblock applied, and it appears I've just sunburned my insides...ah least I don't hurt to touch, and I'm not setting my own climate zone...just giggling.

So happy day. I recommend vitamin D for the cubicle-o-holics, and any rainy place the sun doesn't shine. I recommend D. Stick to less than 2000 IUs. But get it in your system. Save yourself some dough from all the trips for caffine....then you can buy yourself a present! Tah Dah!

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