Sunday, November 14, 2010

30ish random thoughts.....

So my dearest friend tagged me in facebook and copied it to her blog, for those of us who don't really check in with facebook as if it were the blood of life.    I was inspired to reply but felt a post would probably be the better medium.  So without further 30ish random thoughts about me.

Please *grin*  -- life is short....and silliness is required.

1. I make cookies. I started out making chocolate chip cookies when I had to use a chair to reach the counter, and still had to stand on tip-toe to dump in the ingredients. My Mom would challenge me to remember the ingredients...10 fingers, 10 pieces and with a little love and some baking...voila.

2. I used to say I had a black thumb with indoor plants. Now I can tell you I have 6 indoor plants that are green and growing...three of which probably need to be repotted...and my balcony is a little potted garden. This would not have been possible were it not for...Phil's Mom...and she knows who she is ;). Thanks. Green things are good, and I have another expensive hobby.

3. I once broke my finger in 3 places playing cards. And, I still won. I laughed, I cried, I called out...those are mine. ;) The doctor originally told me it was a sprain and I needed to exercise it as much as possible...a week later called me in a panic.  I received a cast up to my elbow.  And still my ring size for that finger is a whole size bigger than it was before.

4. I have lived in 3 states: Oregon, Utah, and Texas. (Apparently I'm drawn to the places that are like their own little worlds...and that are vastly different from the ones before. Although I jokingly say Utah + Oregon = least weather wise.)

5. I once was in a car accident. I was pushed off the lane (I-215 construction...and an entitled Excursion...who didn't stop) I was going 70 at the time, I rolled the car 3.5 times..the ceiling caved in, the winshields blew out, the wheel axels were torn off, a couple tires separated off...pretty much a TOTALLED car....and the ambulance people that arrived at the scene did more damage to me than the accident did. Accident - one bruise, quarter sized. Ambulance - rammed a solid board into a hair clip (attached to my head) 6 times...with me calling out "HAIR---CLIP---HAIR CLIP, please take the hair clip off!!!" End result--goose egg. But all in all, I know God was watching out for me, a miracle.

6. I have 2 younger, taller, brothers.  I am proud of the men they've become. 

7. I never thought I'd be a writer. And, well with my current level of progress this is true. However, I have had multiple charcters walk into my head. One in particular that I'm attempting to do her justice, she walked in with the entire story, protagonist and all, and layed it down. When she explained her story, 'what happened to her', it sounded so I am 6 years later....writing a good story is a craft, an art, and a LOT of work.

8. I have dreamed of England and Scotland since....well probably since I was making cookies. perhaps someday my dreams will come true.

9. I love art...but couldn't draw stick figures.....Some of my favorites have surprised even me. Michelangelo, Scott Mutter, Tom Till, and Leonardo Nierman. I really love the Baroque period of painters.

10. I've been dating a guy for 10 months now. It's unofficially official. I'm planning a wedding, buying a house.....and since things come in threes.....hmmmmmmm can I put in a request for a puppy?

11. I love Shiba Inus...and want one....I love the Harley Davidson coloring, but the red reminds me of one of the best puppy dogs in the whole world (my Pippin. (She's my Mom's dog---hence the sister part). She's currently living with my brother and his wife.

12. My favorite color is a deep, royal, purple. However, I love all jewel tones.

13. I have title...well two...since one of them is from work, but the other was given to me by D--J--E--G--Nobdoy the 3rd. It's better when I can speak the title rather than tell it to you, my initials are: K--B--E--A--C--N--7

14. I love to read fiction and poetry. I highly recommend the book Red Earth by Stacy Anne Weeks as a fantastic book of poetry.

15. I have been biten by a dog while riding a bike, the day before vacation. The dog held on for about 50 feet.

16. When really tired, I cease speaking and start signing...and I don't notice this happening since to me it's all words, and signing is speaking. (ASL) Though, if I ever meet someone who knows the language I blank. lol.

17. I think it would be fun to go hanggliding. I'd want to take my camera though.

18. I have more than 300 movies on my shelf. (Ironically the movie 300 isn't one of them).

19. I would love to see one of my relatives on a game show...Millionaire or Jeopardy....they are one of the smartest people I know and it'd be fun to watch them kick mental butt. :)

20. I'm asymmetrical.

21. I love taking nature photography.

22. I abhor having my picture taken and really dislike it when people post pictures of me online without first seeing if this is a picture I'd want to share with the world. I am not photogenic. People in earlier centuries had it so much easier, if they were more frumpy than cute it was only locally known. Now, the WWW has made sure everyone in the world can see you on a bad day...with the help of "friends".  At the very least anyone posting pictures of others should learn and abide by photography's rule of thirds. It will also enhance your other pictures.

23. I have Myrmecophobia.

24. I love lilies, roses, geraniums, and carnations.

25. I can be shy, and tongue tied even around people I've known for years...and can struggle to find something to say. And yet, I can also be loquacious and it can take an hour to say goodbye.

26. I love the smell of rain.

27. I love board games, and playing them. I play backgammon online with several friends.

28. I stump most doctors. I think it runs in the family. I'm not rich enough to pay the out of pocket expenses to figure it out though so oh well. Neuroscience is a cool field, even when you're the subject.

29. I think having a powerful car beneath you, and no imposed speed limits is awesome....also in this dream is no traffic ;)

30. I treasure my friendships and hold them as one of the most prized possessions and gifts I've ever been given.


31. I've had an 8.5 foot boa wrapped around my waste voluntarily.

32. I have sat and read books with gorillas.

33. I make quilts. I give quilts away, lol, maybe one day I'll make one for me.

34. I sometimes think in song. I like to sing.

35. I have few goals. I prefer to take each day as it comes and just enjoy life. "Every man dies. Not everyman truly lives." (Braveheart)

36. I love beholding the beauty of this world and realizing it is but a mere glimpse of the beauty and grandeur of God. I love sititng before an ocean, filling the waves roll in and out, the power/depth/mystery of it all and yet how constant. I love sitting in the middle of a mountain field or under the pines...and inhaling the air around and feeling the enormity and yet the detailed minutia overwhelming the senses.

37. I disregard age. I often can't remember how old I am, let alone those around me. I see instead the heart, the passion for adventure, fun, and warmth of the person before me.

38. I can be stubborn....make no mistake...but I've learned to pick my battles. But occassionally I'll lapse if provoked and someone will get my back up...and before you know it...the stubborn response kicks in..... but most of the time though I'm quiet and laid back.

39.  I think it would be awesome to be a voice in an animated film.   Even better would be my youngest brother's voice....he has talented vocals...Robin Williams like. :) 
40. have to leave a little to the imagination......
"watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.  Those who don't believe in magic will never find it!" Ronald Dahl


Blondepoetess said...

I always love reading what you write. So many reasons to be your friend, but simply put I am because you are you. Love ya sis.

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