Friday, January 15, 2010

:) Backgammon Challenge

Hi, Hello, and HORRAY!!!!

My Mom found a site for backgammon games where we can play each other. There's a 3 day limit between moves. So now, I can check our know I had to start more than one, right? :) Anyway, now I can check in each day and have a pleasant surprise and play with my Mom.

So....for any takers out there here is my challenge: go to and create an account and then let's play! My user ID is PLsDaughter. :)

By the way, how cool is it that the site is zoo_escape? :) Escape the zoo of your day....good thing...but also zoos are good....and escapes are good. Three good things in one.

So let's play! :)

.......P.S. they also have sudoku and a word game (both are single player games, but it gives you something to do in another screen if you are playing multiple games and waiting for one of them to be ready for you..... :)

.........P.P.S. I'm not that good at this game, but I LOVE it.... I've already lost 3 games, and I'm about to loose 5 more unless one of the players doesn't make a move in the next 3 days and they they would forfeit. Anyway, come play, win---loose---or draw, it's fun.

1 comment:

Leah @ L4L said...

Oh goodness! This could be dangerous! I'll let you know when/if I sign up!