Thursday, January 21, 2010

Irreparable Fragments


I’m not much of one to put any stock in horoscopes and what the ‘stars’ are saying, but tonight as I sat beside a pond thinking about the night, my life, “etcetera, etcetera, etcetera” (King & I), I started noticing the few constellations I can always find, the few I know. Here’s what they had to say since I am not sure I can put my thoughts into words and a blog must have words to be…so without much ado, tonight here is what the stars were saying.

Orion had a few extra stars about him, as if he’d been wielding his sword in battle, and there were pieces of his opponents strewn about him.

The 7 sisters were running away, so distant blue were they.

The dragon was sinewy…and made me think of The Never Ending Story as the dragon was flying away into the night.

The dipper was upended, if there had been anything in there, there isn’t any more.

The moon was nowhere to be found.

And, last but not least, there’s a planet in the sky…not sure which one, I only know it’s not Mars. Thank God, quite literally. That one came and went and won’t be back for hundreds of years, so for my non-existent great, great, grandchildren who most likely will never read this…when Mars comes to town, run into the hills, don’t look back, and hide for a year. Yes, it really was that bad. However, tonight’s planet, nameless as it is, seems to sit there in a sky of retreating stars, distant, removed, looking down, but not in a cavalier type fashion, almost like a fallen tear, light blue and one of the multifariously simplest of statements.

So there you have it. I should have looked up before tonight’s end so as to know what to expect, but I didn’t…and I find it comforting to be beneath them tonight, listening to water and wind. I do not have the answers tonight; though reusable bags can be converted to little islands in itchy grass, and tomorrow will begin all too soon. Tomorrow though I will open the package I received in the mail today that I cannot open right now; in addition, I will be able to attend a writing workshop, so tomorrow....I expect to be good. That is all.

Good night.

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