Friday, July 6, 2012

African Savannah by way of Japan

So - first...yes I know Shiba Inu's are a Japanese breed of dog.   In fact, when I first read up on the breed one book claimed that the Shiba is like a cat and a dog, so the perfect animal, right? :)

Well I don't know about all that, but what I can tell you is that sometimes when I watch my puppies at play I can see in the little boy a lion who hits with force, ready to take down his sister as she jumps and runs by him like a little gazelle.   Trust me, she can fly and leap, and you should watch him do the slow approach, one foot in front of the other, low to the ground...and I dare you not to think about a stalking lion.  And...if you are curious, yes little lions can leap too.   But watching a gazelle bound through life is one that causes you to smile and cheer her on in the bounding run that makes gravity grasp with desperate claws to one so easily defying it. 

However, these Shiba's have mastered the power of shifting/ one second they are playing predator/prey...or reversing who chases the other...and the next they stop, grin at you like life is the most grand adventure, and they run over to you and include you in a game of chasing after little fuzzy yellow tennis balls.   Or they are willing to perform the usual: sit, shake, down, roll-over, and beg for a little doggie biscuit/bone.

Well...on to other adventures...may your days be as full of fun play. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Life & Adventures with Shiba Inu Puppies

So, three months have passed since I last wrote.  Life moves so fast these days.  The past few months have been full of insane work, business trips, puppy trips to the vet, a friend's newborn, visits with family, being sick  -- again, and preparing for the golf charity event to support Down Syndrome...and of course adventures with my precious Shiba Inu Puppies. 

I didn't do much writing on the puppies so let me begin there.  They after all deserve their own blog, but for the time being we'll share.

Rolo - our boy is: happy go-lucky, ready to play at all times, incredibly curious, good at destroying things, likes to pick on his sister, loves to be near his family (which conversely can make him anxious when we are away), stubborn, a bit OCD, and incredibly soft.   I never knew puppies could be so soft...and it's a luxury to pet him...which he loves.  He will definitely beg for a belly rub if you even look like you will walk by and acquiesce.  He is also incredibly smart!  I don't have to spend a long time teaching him motivation...that's another story.    He does like his treats, but as to the rest, I can only attribute that to being a Shiba.   Some things are beneath him, and it isn't a matter of him not understanding what I'm asking so much as understanding why he would do the thing I'm asking.  And,another interesting quirk for him...another Shiba thing...he does not like being wet, and rain is to him just pure meanness.   There was this one time, we woke up to a day of rain....and obviously the last time he'd relieved himself was the night husband thought whether he wanted to or not he'd have to go out.   Rolo held it in for 11 hours until the sky had decided to clear up for a few minutes and then he went out.   There have been other times when it rained where he would look at me as if to say, 'this is absolute cruelty but a puppy must do what a puppy must do' and then trot himself out and rocket himself back in.    The other thing about him is he is the first one to cry, or more accurately scream, if he is in pain.  It is like to break your heart.  He also will howl if there's something suspicious outside at night.   (If you've never heard a Shiba howl - think wolf howl/bray at moon and you'll have a basic idea. Rooo--rooo--rooooooooo)  Another thing, I swear there's hidden physics in him.  He weighs about 23 pounds now, which is about the full grown weight for a male shiba, but I swear when he comes running at you --- he packs a punch!!!   It feels more like a 200 pound dog than a 23 pound dog.  Even as a puppy he felt more substantial, like a tank, than his sister.   The kids in the neighborhood think he is a German shepherd puppy. 

Julie - our girl is: a dainty, independent, curious, precise surgeon, an amazing jumper, good at shifting the blame in play, can be a cute little cuddler, fascinated by vocalizations and birds, regal, reserved, incredibly fast, very stubborn, OCD, and likes to curl up next to you at night or for a little puppy snooze time.  She is soft as well, but not as much as Rolo.  Also, she is more petite, and more closely resembles a fox than a dog.   I've had more than one kid in the neighborhood as if I have a pet fox.  Nearly everyone who meets Julie loves her.  She also loves other dogs, especially our neighbors dogs, and will always want to approach other dogs.  Another of her quirks, Julie will not acknowledge pain until it hits a certain threshold (I've only ever heard her yip like twice in pain.)  She is also more quiet, though she is becoming more bold and willing to send up howls for suspicious activity at night.  She is not as quick to catch onto new tricks like her brother, but by no means is she stupid.   She more so than Rolo seems to evaluate whether or not this thing you are doing is beneath her...she is very royal in this respect.  Food will not be a reason to induce her to perform a task or trick unless she wants to do the trick.   She is more motivated by praise, but even that only works so much.   She will also evaluate a proffered treat just in case it might be trying to poison her.  She, like her brother, as well as all Shibas, have an incredibly strong prey drive....she chases bubbles, bugs, butterflies, bunnies, birds...and she doesn't like it at all if you tell her to leave off the chase...this is one of the few times she will respond with a whiney/cry as if to say, 'oooohhhh but it could be fun, let's just chase, pleeeeaaaaasssseeeeeee....'.  She doesn't like being wet either, and absolutely abhors baths, and she will hold her business if it is raining, but if she has to venture out because the need demands it she just goes, she doesn't whine about it or throw you guilt-inducing looks.     Right now she weighs about 18 pounds, a good weight for a female Shiba...but she like her brother has deceptive physics associated with her....she feels like she weighs 8 pounds not 18...when she was a pup she was like lifting a feather.   A quirk for her is that she doesn't like car rides....more times than not she will throw up multiple times.   She gets sooooo distressed in car rides, it does break my heart.   And I am at a loss for how to make it better for her.  I've tried benedryl, and even dramamine...and some med the doctor prescribed, the vet says really the next step is to give her something to knock her out completely.  I don't want to go to that level, so I've been trying to take smaller trips (15 min) more frequently to try and help her learn it's ok.   Sometimes we have success and sometimes we have a lot of laundry and cleaning to do when we get home.  

This dog breed - Shiba Inu - is the most amazing breed...I truly am in love with not just my puppies but the breed itself.   I did about two years of research to learn everything I could about the breed...and still every day is a learning experience.   My puppies bring me such joy and truly makes me humble and overwhelmed to be able to share the lives of these two precious puppies.   Most Shiba's are reserved, or very loyal to their owners, and mine are no different.   They only let a few people see their tails uncurl, so-to-speak.   For instance, my puppies love bubbles...they love to play with, chase, and try and eat them.   One day I was walking my puppies and there were these two little girls outside blowing bubbles in the spring breeze.  They wanted to pet the puppies and I happened to mention that my puppies love bubbles.   Well the girls tried blowing bubbles for the puppies.   My two just sat at my feet and looked at me as if to say, 'really?! We don't let just anyone see us chase bubbles.'   After a few minutes one of the girls looked at me and questioned, "I thought you said they liked bubbles?"   I told her they did, but perhaps my puppies were shy and they might chase them next time.   This breed, because it is so reserved can also not be very good with strangers or kids, so I've done my best to expose them to lots of strangers and kids so that they learn it is ok.   Most people think they are the greatest dogs ---I think this is because the puppies don't bark at all at strangers.   They sniff, allow you to pet, and then wait for me to give them the cue to move on.  But I will freely say I this is probably not a breed for everyone.   They are smart with amazing memories, they are stubborn, and though they love you, they don't always obey.  However, they have such incredible spirits that I think the days that require battle are worth it, and far fewer than the days they just simply fill your life and homes with love.    They have opened my eyes and I simply am glad to say Julie and Rolo have opened their hearts to me, and forgive me for the days I'm less than fun. :>    There is nothing more incredible than the absolute loyalty, love, faith, and forgiveness of a puppy.  I have two.  Twice the blessings.

I will have to post more pictures later...but for's time to play with the puppies and already I am smiling.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jagged and Ragged

I can't believe it has been more than six months since I've written.  A sure sign that life well is seriously askew.  Work from the point of last June only got more intense.   As a result, for those that know me won't be a surprise, but I ran myself into the ground.   The new year came with all the hopes attached.  Mostly I was just glad to put the old project on the shelf of the past and work on something anything else would bound to be easier.   Famous last words.  So after multiple servings of humble pie, and apropos appetizers to a true crash course in survival I can honestly say this project I am now on at work is by far the hardest.   It is eating me alive.  I'm still run down, and often feel very jagged and ragged.   My heart still hasn't recovered from some of last year's blows and so I'm bruised and battered least emotionally.   However, I don't want to necessarily leave an entire blog of complaints so let me just say that one of the greatest joys in my life currently are my Shiba Inus.

I've seriously thought about blogging about that dream coming true and how they have made me laugh and yes scream since they came into my life.  However, I've yet to find the time, or if I have time I have no brain cells left.   :)  They deserve a little coherency.   So hopefully I will be able to write...I miss writing...

Anyway, after running a fever all week, and a business trip coming up next week I don't have a lot of energy tonight but I couldn't ignore the blood in me that demands I write...something...or perish.

And to tide you all over until I can write more about my puppies here's a picture from their first moments in my home.  We have siblings (twins) :) ....  The boy is Rolo.  The girl is Julie.