Saturday, December 18, 2010

Not enough time...more to follow...

It's official...he wants to keep me. :)

Without knowing is a lot like my dear Grandma's first ring.   My Grandpa gave her another ring for their 25th, which is the ring I remember...but I think it's really awesome that the ring that meant the most to the two of very similiar to the ring I'm wearing now.

It isn't the ring I always pictured and said I wanted, but I love the thought and heart that gave it to I know it will grow on me.  It is already very dear to me. :)  I've had it for a couple hours now, most of which was spent talking to Mom and Dad...separately...of course.

My love proposed to me today, 12/18/10.  He is bad about waiting for surprises....which makes me giggle because I thought I was bad...but he tops me out.   It is 11 months to the day we met....and the ring was for Christmas....but I have it now. :)

I have a million and one things, this last month at work has been very much a grindstone.  I think I have 10 hours of sleep total for the week...and I have a ton and one projects left for Christmas...but this was worth taking a moment I don't have to document for all.

It isn't official on Facebook....a blog that's been in my head for almost all of this I'm sure that one will be dropped up here----later----

I'll try and call people....but in case I miss you...hopefully you can read it here and grant me grace for being stretched so thin...

I have to run....I'm already late...but...HORRAY he wants to keep me, and it's official.